How to Get Around in China: A Guide to Transportation for Foreign Travelers - Train - E-bike - Metro

16 Oct 2023

Travelling to a new city, especially abroad, can be a thrilling experience. You get to explore new cultures, try out new food, and make new friends. However, one aspect of travelling that can be a challenge is navigating the local transportation. When you’re in a new place, even the simplest things like getting from one point to another can become a daunting task. You may think that everything works the same way it does back home, but that’s not always the case. In this blog article, we will discuss the different modes of transportation in China, and how foreigners can navigate these transport systems.

China is a vast country, and transportation options vary depending on the city you’re in. When travelling around the city, you have several options - walking, biking, taking public transportation, or hailing a taxi. However, for foreigners, these options may seem confusing or even intimidating.

One of the most common modes of transportation in China is the metro. The metro system in China is vast and efficient, but it can also be quite crowded, especially during rush hour. In the video, we’ll show you how people cram into the metro like sardines, leaving no room to move. For foreigners, this can be overwhelming, but with a little patience, and some practice, you’ll soon learn how to navigate the metro system like a pro.

Another popular mode of transportation in China is the e-bike. E-bikes are electric bicycles that are widely used by locals to get around the city. In the video, we’ll take you on a thrilling e-bike ride through the streets of Nanning, and show you how to navigate traffic like a local. However, e-bikes can also be dangerous, so we’ll also give you some tips on how to stay safe while riding one.

If you’re looking for a more leisurely way to explore the city, then biking might be the way to go. Many cities in China have bike rental services that are cheap and convenient. In the video, we’ll show you how to rent a bike and take a leisurely ride through the city.

Another option for getting around the city is taking a taxi. Taxis in China are relatively cheap, and they’re a great way to get around, especially if you’re not comfortable with other modes of transportation. However, hailing a taxi can be a challenge, especially during peak hours. In the video, we’ll show you some tips on how to hail a taxi and how to communicate with the driver.

Finally, we’ll also share our experience taking the train in China. The train system in China is vast and efficient, but it can also be quite intimidating for foreigners. In the video, we’ll share some tips on how to book a train ticket and how to navigate the train station.

Travelling around a new city can be daunting, but with a little patience and practice, it can also be an exciting adventure. In the video, we’ll share our experiences and give you some tips on how to navigate the different modes of transportation in China. Whether you’re taking the metro, riding an e-bike, or hailing a taxi, we’ll show you how to do it like a local.

For more information and just to take a closer look to this beautiful place in China in coming up video bellow. Follow our Lion On The Road series to discover Real China as no one before.
