Hitchhiking in China - Tips & Tricks

14 Oct 2023

Hitchhiking is not for everyone. It requires a lot of courage, patience, and trust in strangers. However, if you are a backpacker on a budget or simply looking for a unique adventure, then hitchhiking can be an incredible experience. In this article, we share our crazy hitchhiking adventure in China and provide you with three useful tips for hitchhiking in this vast and diverse country.

Our adventure began in the city of Wuhan, where we planned to travel to Guangzhou, 800 km away. We were a group of three with seven heavy backpacks, eager to try hitchhiking in China. We knew it would be challenging, but we were determined to succeed.

Tip #1: Be prepared Our first tip for hitchhiking in China is to be prepared. Make sure you have everything you need for your journey, including food, water, warm clothes, and a map. It's also essential to have a clear idea of where you're going and how you plan to get there. Before we set off, we spent some time researching our route and making sure we had all the necessary information.

Tip #2: Be patient and flexible Hitchhiking in China can be challenging, and rejections are inevitable. However, it's important to be patient and flexible. If someone doesn't want to give you a ride, don't take it personally, and move on to the next car. We found that some drivers were hesitant at first, but once they saw we were friendly and polite, they were happy to take us.

Tip #3: Trust your instincts The final tip for hitchhiking in China is to trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, don't get in the car. It's essential to listen to your gut and make sure you feel secure before accepting a ride. We met some incredibly kind and generous people on our journey, but we also encountered some questionable characters. It's crucial to be aware of your surroundings and trust your intuition.

After 12 hours of hitchhiking, we finally arrived in Guangzhou. We were exhausted, but also thrilled to have completed our challenge. Hitchhiking in China was an unforgettable experience, and we learned a lot from it.

In conclusion, if you're planning to hitchhike in China, be prepared, patient, flexible, and trust your instincts. It may not always be easy, but it's a unique and rewarding way to explore this fascinating country. Watch our video to learn more about our crazy hitchhiking adventure in China and get inspired to embark on your own journey.

For more information and just to take a closer look to this beautiful place in China in coming up video bellow. Follow our Lion On The Road series to discover Real China as no one before.
