Journey to the Heart of China: Lion on the Road

4 Oct 2023

Lion on the Road - Discover Real China is a one-of-a-kind project that takes viewers on a journey through the heart of China. With its mission to showcase the real China, the project aims to shed light on the country's unique culture, traditions, and way of life, while also highlighting the challenges that come with living and adapting in a foreign land.

The project began in March 2018, with the objective of releasing 2-4 feature episodes every month during a one-year trip across the country. This unique travel program is not a movie or vlog but a documentary that presents a different perspective on China.

At the heart of Lion on the Road is a personal story. The project's main protagonist, Lion, has had a negative experience in the past due to cultural differences. However, with a newfound desire to turn that experience into a positive one, Lion sets out to explore China and learn about its people, customs, and way of life. Along the way, Lion shares his international philosophy and ideas with the hope of finding a common ground between cultures.

The program's three main objectives are to showcase the real China, demonstrate how foreigners can adapt to Chinese society, and share Lion's personal story. Through its monthly episodes, viewers are taken on a journey through China's stunning landscapes, bustling cities, and rich cultural heritage, while also being given a glimpse into the challenges and rewards of living in a foreign land.

With its unique approach and focus on the real China, Lion on the Road is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning about the country's culture, traditions, and way of life. So join Lion on this once-in-a-lifetime journey and discover the real China for yourself!

For more information and just to take a closer look to this beautiful place in China in coming up video bellow. Follow our Lion On The Road series to discover Real China as no one before.
